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Chapter 16


The Demoralized Plague/The Age Of The Self


As I have mentioned in a earlier chapter, the kingdom of heaven is no longer at hand but it is here, now. As no other time past, the grace of God is being poured out upon the earth. In the realm of time the earth reaches her fullness. As the fields who's fruits are ripe and ready for harvest, the reaper readies. Do not delay from entering into the wedding feast, less the door is closed to find you on the outside, unable to enter therein.

As Scripture tells us the wrath of God is upon the earth. For your sins it comes, all that which you have brought upon yourself. For you love the ways of men, having been seduced by the fruits of this world. You shall reap what you have sown. So then shall the wrath of God come.

By the lust that you lust, by the greed that you greed, you have mocked the God of your forefathers. You have made yourself drunk with riches and power. You have raped the earth of her bounty. All that God has done, you have nearly undone. Woe to you, when God will have no more if it. So shall come the wrath.

I speak plainly that you may understand. I can not write of all the evils that have been committed, only some. I write them not to judge but that each person may repent, for repentance obtains forgiveness.

Our forefathers based all things upon trust in the true living God. God was the foundation of the land in which we dwell. How is it that in our schools it is required that you take courses in American History, but prayer in the schools is not required, in fact it has been stopped and frowned upon? In this men say that their History is important, yet God is not important. I ask you how can this be? Has man truly placed himself above God?

Some schools have passed out condoms, which send a message to our children saying, its OK, have sex, we don't mind. So man have taken prayer out of the schools and in its place he has put such things as comdoms and American History. Because of this the history of America is doomed. There will be no one left to remember our History, when God will have no more of it!

Our forefathers believed that this land should be ruled on the bases of religious principles. I describe it as a wedding ceremony between God and man. Yet it was decided by men that they would break the wedding vows. Men in their own arrogance no longer felt the need to live by any rules except the rules they want to live by, so they divorced God! In this our forefathers religious principles are now a document of divorce called ; "The Separation Of Church And State". It is the Separation Of Church And State which has allowed the removal of prayer from the school system. The Separation Of Church And State has set this nation on a course of destruction, which I have come to call, "The Demoralized Plague." When a plague comes, it starts in one spot then spreads outward. As it spreads the sickness of the few becomes the sickness of the many. The Demoralized Plague which has started in one spot (which is the Separation Of Church And State according to the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution) now has spread outwardly and has contaminated the whole land.

All one needs do is to look at the trouble in our land today to clearly see these things are true. Yet, many are still blinded to the plague, others know of it but do not want to talk or think about it because they don't know how to deal with it. The results of, "The Separation Of Church And State," has become ineffable, the land is doomed.

School is the place where we teach our children the principles in which we believe in. If there was prayer in the schools, we then reflect to our children that we believe in the principles of religion handed down to us by our forefathers. Our land then stands on a firm foundation which has never changed. If however we change our minds, then in essence we say that our forefathers were wrong about their beliefs of religious principles. Then the foundation becomes shaken and unstable. The result of this instability is confusion.

If we say that American History is required in school because it is important but the foundation of our History (which was founded on religious beliefs) is not important, we then say that the foundation of our History (which is required in school) is incorrect. In this our nation then has two Histories, before and after the Separation Of Church And State.

Trouble comes to all the land but we must look at how much trouble has escalated since our leaders denounced the beliefs of our forefathers and divorced God with the Separation Of Church And State. In this I say, the trouble of the land during our before History (before the Separation of Church and State) has escalated into a plague in our after (Separation of Church and State) History.

Morals promote a certain sense of rules, right from wrong. I believe that these rules relate to the Scriptures handed down through out time. If the rules are changed, how can one determine what is truly right from wrong. In this, confusion becomes the Demoralized Plague.

You see, the foundation of our forefathers beliefs is not something that they made up themselves, for the foundation is God given. Now in the God given foundation, our forefathers realized the importance to continue the practice of the Scriptures handed down. These wise men were able to see the bounty that God had sent them to which they gave thanks for this bounty. Then, before leaving this life, they left an inheritance to their children, reinforcing the importance of God's existence in every day life.

With the Separation Of Church And State, the bounty of God is gone! The inheritance to the children is then swallowed up by the fathers of greed . In this, the whole land is slowly raped clean in the name of progress, lust and power.

With the coming of the Separation Of Church And State the foundation of morals give way (as promiscuously increases,) allowing such research as birth control. Birth control has allowed women to drink from the cup of lust, having not to concern themselves with pregnancy. In this the monogamy of love becomes an abomination.

There was a time when the word love meant something far different then it means now. Such statements as; making love, has turned a beautiful word into an act, rather then an emotion. With this general new attitude of the carefree spirit, individuals demand that; their personal wants are met. The top priority of a person becomes, me, me, me! In the place of the caring and giving natured person, we have now entered The Age Of The Self.

This self attitude has infected our adult population and has spilled over into our children. A good example of this is the child who sits in front of a television set each Saturday morning watching cartoons. Every time advertisements come on you hear the child scream, "I want that or buy me this."

The age of the self is mostly brought about by the Separation Of Church And State, that, no one need be responsible for the welfare of our forefathers heritage. So God is painted out of the picture and the self is painted in His place. So God having been painted out of the picture, with the Separation Of Church And State, the Age Of The Self is then able to pursue whatever pleases the self, without worry of conscience or recourse from one's piers.

So from the Separation Of Church And State, the land inherits the first plague called, The Demoralize Plague. The Demoralize Plague having spread into every sector of our society results in a new plague all its own, based upon the self's own design. An example of this is: the Demoralize Plague having spread into the sector of our society which is promiscuous becomes a plague within itself, this plague within itself is called AIDS.

Capitalism is a concept in which the economic system of ownership and exploration of wealth is left largely in private hands. Under this guideline, adding the Separation Of Church And State, the private sector then endeavors to obtain all the abundance obtainable, for the self. To this we apply the clich'e the more you have, the more you need. So that capitalism then becomes a plague within itself.

If we as a nation divorce God, in who our forefathers placed their trust, then without God, who can we trust to provide for us? Without God, one can only trust in oneself, to provide for the self. In this the goal of the self is to obtain all that can be obtainable.This promotes greed, in that the self strives to obtain all it can.

To accomplish the goal of the self, gives rise to a duel society which I simply break down as, givers and takers. Our government breaks it down into three categories, the upper class, the middle class, and the poor.

So as the self strives to obtain more and more, the more the self feels it needs. In this, capitalism becomes greed and greed becomes lust. So that when lust has become wealthy, lust desires power. Power without God becomes a lust within itself.

Power is the influence to control. Lust is the longing for possessions or enjoyment. Combined, lust for power absolutely corrupts. And, absolute power, corrupts absolutely!

I make no claim that socialism or communism would be a better economic system. Any system applied without God is destined to fail. Without God, an economic order whether past, present or future, can not solve the problems of this world. Without morals and a sense of discipline (which is given us by God), all that remains is the self.

The self has caught itself up on the material things this world has to offer. I call this, "the Want Syndrome." This is the self who feels the need to buy and have. The Want Syndrome has become a plague within itself as well. In this I say that the self has become diseased, in that the want of material things has become an addiction. In this addiction the self longs for material gain. Though many work to obtain these gains, others steal, kill, gamble, etc. The addiction of the Want Syndrome dictates that the self must get money to buy the things the self wants.

The addiction of the Want Syndrome has gone beyond the means of a persons paycheck, which inspired credit. Through interest, credit allows the self to buy today and pay tomorrow. Not only does the self buy things that it can't afford, but now the self also pays interest to the credit to buy the things that the self can't afford. In this addiction, the more the self has, the more the self wants.

We are told in Scripture to build up our treasures in the kingdom of heaven where the thief does not steal, nor does the moth consume. Why then is the whole world addicted to the Want Syndrome? The roots of this matter lay in the Separation Of Church And State and the Demoralize Plague!

In this I say again, that in the secular world God does not exist! Without the existence of God, all that remains is the self's own interest. So that, the whole mind and body has become sick. So have you become rich with all your material possessions? Do you find pleasure in it? The Scriptures say, "What good is it if a man gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" The Scriptures also tell us that: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven." So do you still find comfort in your material pleasures?

I wonder, how is it that the rich become richer and the poor remain poor? I can not began to understand the income of thousands of dollars, when starvation and famine is so prevalent in this world. Jesus said, "With what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you." What then shall be the measure given to the world? For the world has measured famine to the poor, so then shall God give an equal measure to the world!

Because the world does not hear the cry of the starving, God shall hear their cry by reason of their taskmasters, even as God heard the cry of the Hebrews in bondage, in Egypt. With a mighty hand he shall come and it is a fearful thing to fall by indignation into the hands of He who is beginning and end! In this I tell you, weep and wail, for so great a famine will come upon the earth, that man will eat of his own flesh.

Many may say I give to charity, I do my part. What then of the woman in Scripture who gave all that she had? The woman of today spend more money to paint their faces (that they may entice men to want) then what it would cost to keep the world from hunger!

Now what of other items such as, clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc.,, which men and women have in abundance. When Jesus sent his disciples forth he instructed them not to take more then one tunic, or pair of sandals, and to carry no wallet or money. How is it that Jesus disciples lived with so little, yet, the world needs so much?

The Demoralize Plague brought about by the Separation Of Church And State has caused the Age Of The Self. Without any regard of the planet earth and human life, man has become a respecter of no one, or no thing, except himself. Yet, I know it to be true, that, man within himself, is doomed!

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