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Chapter 17


The Man God


As man has made himself god, let us in brevity review some of his accomplishments. In the acts of man which we will discuss, it is clear to me that man has failed in his attempts to rule himself. In this, man has left an inheritance of doom to his children!

The new age of the American progress came with the invention of the engine. Before long the sweat and toil of hands on labor was greatly reduced. With the engine, new methods of converting energy into work was applied to the use of machines. Before the coming of the engine, man was content with a horse and buggy. Things were much simpler then. Life revolved around the family. Lifestyles in these days gone by existed mostly in the thought of survival. In this, men and women struggled to niche out a small homestead to live out their lives.

Yet with the coming of the engine, man's growth and consciousness was about to enter a whole new era, an era which would change forever the lifestyles and attitudes of our very existence. As man desired to increase the technology of the engine he brought about a new age and consciousness, so that the face of the world was about to change dramatically, on land, sea and air.

The horse and carriage which once peacefully explored the lands rocky paths, gave way to the horseless carriage (automobiles). The well trodden pathways eventually would succumb to pavement, devastating the landscape. The result of this atrocity is clear, as I wonder the heavy cost which has been paid.

Throughout the world the land has been bulldozed under to make way for these automobiles, destroying the land. Automobile pollution has cause considerable harm to the ecology. In places such as Los Angeles and Mexico City it is difficult to breath when the air is stagnant.

Industry has also greatly contributed to the break down of the ECO System. With the coming of the engine, factories came upon the land like locust, arising from their sleep. Industry eats up the land, making way for buildings and parking lots. So that the little house on the homestead has become the skyscraper in the city.

The waste of industry from the power of the engine bellows out of the smoke stacks of their buildings. They leave a trail of smoke and ash, so that the sky has been darkened and tainted with poison. The rain that once was clean now falls from clouds as acid. In this, the plant life of this earth is in eminent peril.

So as man assaults the plant life of this earth, by pollution, he also maliciously onslaughts the face of the earth with buildings and pavement (as mentioned earlier). Adding insult to injury, man cuts away the trees of the earth leaving a desert wasteland. This in return gives rise to the depletion of the atmosphere, and global warming.

With the coming of this new era, the vessels of the sea (which had once only known the long voyage of wind and sail) was now invaded by the power of the engine. These vessels travel the world caring the good of trade to consumers.

These vessels also carry our garbage and infectious waste out into the ocean, which has become a dumping ground. Added to this let us consider oil spills from tankers, which has greatly impacted our oceans, shorelines, sea life and wildlife, with cataclysmic effects. As if this was not enough, we pump billions of gallons of human sludge into the ocean year after year. Yet there are still greater atrocities dictated upon the ocean by man, which I will discuss later.

Let us first look at another form of travel which has caused harm to the ECO System. The air which had only known the flight of birds on wing, now share the sky with a new beast, as the engine made its way into the sky. Thousands of airplanes make their way to a destination everyday, with their long tails of jet fuel and oil spilling into the air.

As the engine made its way into the firmament, the great man made birds have come to carry the ultimate punishment to things upon the earth. On July 16, 1945, the United States tested the first "Atomic Bomb." Less then a month later two atomic bombs devastated the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.

The atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945, obliterated three fifths of the city within seconds, killing about 75,000 people. The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki Aug. 9, 1945, half of the city was laid waste in a moments time, killing approximately another 75,000.

These two unrivaled nuclear bombs which were dropped from a U.S. plane, on Japan, was so devastating it lead Japan into unconditional surrender. These two bombs killed an estimated hundred and fifty thousand Japanese people, reducing thousands of Japanese citizens to ash in a couple of seconds. In this, man continued to demonstrate his ability to annihilate the earth.

To further emphasize power, the United States removed the natives from an island in the Pacific ocean. Bikini, is an island enclosing a lagoon (atoll) which is part of the Marshall islands. Between 1946, and 1959, twenty-three nuclear devices were exploded at Bikini island in several displays of nuclear testing.

In another test, the warships of the now defunct' Japanese naval fleet was placed off the shoreline of Bikini island. The ships were sunk to the ocean floor, with nuclear devices. The inspection of the remaining ships still afloat revealed an alarmingly high radioactive count. The U.S. attempts to wash down the remaining ships was futile.

Although experts claim that Bikini island is now safe to visit, the fruit of the land is still poison and unsafe for human consumption. So that, from 1946, to 1999, some 53 years have passed, yet, the effects of the nuclear testing on Bikini island remains deadly.

Here we see the destruction of an island made inhabitable. Yet what about the impact it must of had on the sea life and ocean? Something of this scale we will never know. However, in my opinion it doesn't take a scientist scratching his head to figure out why sea life is beaching itself on our shores. One need only take a moment to look at the demands of men, who ask this world to absorb his disregard.

If you consider the human sludge pumped into the waters, infectious waste, garbage, oil tankers spills, and nuclear testing, the answer is clear, sea life is desperately trying to get out of the ocean! If you were in a burning house wouldn't you try to escape? Well thats all that sea life is trying to do. Man has placed a fire in the ocean, and sea life is trying to get out.

As man strives to make things bigger and better, nuclear power is no exception! Having not learned from their nuclear testing on and around Bikini island, and the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan, (and not to mention nuclear testing in the deserts, etc.) man marches on to his destruction.

Nuclear bombs which were once 15 megatons of power, are now obsolete. This powerful force has given way to man's bigger and better format to extinguish his existence. Man now has nuclear bombs in excess of 100 megatons. Imagine if a 15 megaton bomb can wipe out 75,000 thousand people in a few seconds, what devastation lies in wait in the 100 megaton bomb.

So as man marches on to become bigger and better, man has also fastened the engine to the nuclear bomb. In this the destruction of all existence guides itself through the heavens, plunging down on the earth in great fury. Although man has restrained himself thus far in using this technology, he will in time no doubt command this terror to unleash itself upon the earth. In time, these weapons will come upon us as an enemy, as soldiers who do not break ranks.

To provide us with our ever demanding desire for power, man harnessed nuclear energy to the utility industry. There are three major disasters to man's credit thus far, a British weapons production plant in 1957, 3 Mile Island March 28, 1979, at Harrisburg PA. and the worst power plant disaster in which the nuclear reactor exploded was the Soviet Unions Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident on April 26, 1986, some 80 miles north of Kiev in Ukraine.

I would briefly discuss toxic waste as a last example of man's ability to play God. Such poisons come from industry. Barrels of toxins make their way to dumping sites everyday. Some of these sites are now so old that the toxins which are still deadly are seeping out of rusted barrels into the earth. While other pollutants are dumped into out lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. In some cases this tragedy leaves the fish and water, dead and poisoned. Yet some toxins such as nuclear waste can never be properly disposed of, never!

Yet man continues to play God making his waste which has nearly consumed the bounty of the earth. Man by his lack of respect, takes from the earth, giving back nothing. So that the earth cries out in sickness and will vomit out the parasite called man, that has caused it harm, O America, where is your History now?

Think of all the beauty and bounty God has given you. The trees, the grass, the flowers, the fruits, the heavens, the oceans, the waters, all have taken of a new face. A face once arrayed in purity, has become the horrifying face of progress.

In the Age Of The Self, man has denounced God and made an image of himself and declared, "This is my God." In this, he has raped the earth of her balance, so that she has become unstable, having been forced to drink of the cup of abomination given her by man. Yet, man continues playing God without regard of the very existence of his survival. In this he has swallowed up the inheritance of his children. In this, he has left the world undone, where children are without hope.

O America how long shall the faithful keep you protected in your disregard? For it is only by the prayers of the faithful that you are kept from the wrath of God! Repent! In repentance there is forgiveness and mercy, without repentance you are left in the hands of indignation of He who is Alpha (beginning) and Omega (end).

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