Mary Full of Grace
By Michael K. Jones

The Commandment of God is, "Honor thy father and mother. "Book of Exodus: 20-12. To honor is to show high esteem and admiration. Jesus therefore must honor his mother Mary, as it is the Commandment of God. We also must honor our mother's and father's, and our children must honor us. Scripture tells us Jesus is our Brother and God is our Father, and we were created in the image of God. Therefore, we are to act like Christ. If we are to act Christ like, we must accept Mary as our Mother. In so doing we become the son's and daughter's of God.

You must have a Mother and a Father in heaven, (as we have on earth) in order to have a Brother (Jesus) who died in the flesh. In this we may have life in the spirit. This is truth. And truth, is justice, and justice is truth, or what do you think, can you know your brother and not know your Mother? For those who seek it, here is wisdom. And wisdom is justified by Her children.

What sect first turned against Mary? I do not know. I do know this atrocity did take place, and it pains my heart. The Bible prophesies the coming of this event in the Book of Genesis. Scripture talks of it like a monster chasing a damsel in distress. The monster of course is the serpent, the demon of old times, who is called satan and devil. He seeks to destroy Mary and everyone who believes in Her. He is vowed to fight against Her and Her children even into the last days.

I will attempt through the Holy Spirit to explain why Mary should be venerated, as is Her just due. I pray that grace may touch the hearts of those who offend God through their lack of regard for Her. In this, reconciliation will be their reward and they will truly become part of the holy family.

During the days of St. Louis De Monfort (France 17 hundreds) there was indeed an uprising of a sect who turned their backs on Mary. Today millions of people follow such practices, as so many are convinced that Mary is no more than a vessel, or an instrument that was used by God. Mary is indeed a Vessel, but God did not use Mary. God extended Mary an invitation and Mary excepted.

So with these thoughts in mind, and with much prayer in this regard, and for the sake of those who do not know the truth about Mary, these words have been written. In God I trust in all things. Mary my Mother, I declare before the world to the death if need be, that You are the Rose of my heart. I will never turn my face from You!

I would like to start with the Lord's Prayer, Mat. 6-9-13 Jesus tells us that in this manner should we pray, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, amen."

Here Jesus tells us that we have a Father in heaven, just as in the natural order of this world we have a father. Yet, in the natural order of this world we have a mother as well. So in the natural order of things of the spirit we have a Mother also. Our Father who art in heaven, is of the spirit, not the flesh. Our Mother in heaven is of the spirit as well, if we are to be born of the spirit as Jesus told us we should be, "born again of the spirit."

What man is there who can make the claim to conceive a child without the womb? No man can claim this! The natural order created by God, is that a man and woman must come together to procreate. God would not have a different set of rules for us in heaven. His rules are the same on earth as it is in heaven, as the Lord's Prayer tells us. Therefore, the natural order applies on earth as it is in heaven.

To further back up this statement let us review the Holy Commandments given to Moses. In Exodus 20-12 (states the fifth Commandment in brief) "Honor thy father and mother." I say yes, honor thy father and mother, not only on earth, but honor thy Father and Mother in heaven as well. This is the natural order, this is the way it should be done, on earth as it is in heaven, according to the Lord's Prayer and the Commandments of God.

My brother's and sister's, as I had said earlier, no man can make claim to conception without the womb. Simply put, there must be a mother and a father to conceive. Without a mother, a father can not conceive nor can a mother conceive without the father. This is the natural order, not only on earth but in heaven as well. God's ways are the same, for both earth and heaven. So then, if you do not have Mary for a Spiritual Mother, how can you have God as a Spiritual Father? Where is the Womb through which your spirit has been born?

This is a harsh statement for many and it is not intended to cause the reader distress. If I have offended you the reader by this statement, I am sorry but I must write the words that are given me.

Now as a mother and father on earth may conceive a child, so has God conceived a child with Mary Full Of Grace, Luke 1-30-31. That child was Jesus the Christ, the Son of Man, Mat. 9-6.

So, the Seed Jesus was planted in Mary Full Of Grace. This was done according to the Annunciation, when Gabriel the angel visited Mary (the blessed virgin) Luke, 1-26-56. So then the Seed having been planted in Mary's womb, was the beginning of our salvation.

It is important here to break down the meaning of the statement, " Mary's womb was the beginning of our salvation." There are those who may oppose this thought , no doubt. Yet, you can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time. This worn out phrase is of no consequence. As I have said, I do not write to hurt you the reader nor do I write to please the reader. I write according to what has been me by grace. So let us break down this statement, "Mary's womb was the beginning of our salvation."

If a seed has not been planted then what can grow? How can salvation come if the seed of salvation was not planted in the womb? The natural order demands that it be done on earth as it is in heaven. The seed is the beginning. So, the Seed having been planted in Mary, by God, was the beginning of our salvation.

One could say here that the means justifies the end. This too let us break down. Saint Paul tells us in Romans 4-3-5 "Abraham believed in God and it was credited to him as justice. But to him who works a reward in not credited as a favor, but as something due. Yet, to him who does not work but believes in him who justifies, (the impious) his faith is credited to him as justice, though sin reins unto death." So then believing in God is credited to us as justice, unto eternal life, Romans 5-21.

Still we ask, how does the means justify the end? The original sin was committed by Eve, (first) then Adam and they left an inheritance of death to their children. For, before Eve ate of the fruit, death did not exist. With the coming of Mary and the child Jesus, (according to the natural order) the inheritance of death becomes eternal life in the spirit, for all those who by faith are justified. So what Eve destroyed by disobedience, Mary reconciled in obedience.

It is good and clear in my eyes, as I wonder the mysteries of God, that according to the natural order, it was a woman who being deceived by the serpent, sentenced her children to death. It is then most fitting that a Woman should be the beginning to everlasting life. As I said, the beginning starts with a seed.

So having been sentenced to death by original sin, by what means are we justified to what end? The means is Mary, and Her Son Jesus the Lamb of Sacrifice justifies the end unto eternal life, that is, all those who as Abraham believe God, that it may be credited to them. In this the means justifies the end unto the beginning of life eternal. For Mary is the means by which Jesus the Son of God came in flesh, into the world, and Jesus died for our sins that we may have eternal life.

Looking at our world today, now as it is, in the flesh, let us consider do-gooders. Nations all around the world honor their fellow citizens who have done some sort of above average good. This is a just due for their works. Well in the natural order of things being on earth as it is in heaven, should we not honor those with a just due in heaven as we do on earth? So then if you can clearly understand these things, then here this; if death was the inheritance of Eve's disobedience in the beginning, then Mary is the beginning of Reconciliation in obedience, through which has come the Child Jesus. Mary, having done at least above average good, deserves honor from us, even as we honor our do-gooders on earth. Is it not done on earth as in heaven?

What frightful thing has happened to turn so many children away from the face of their Mother in heaven. Mary reconciles us even as our mother on earth would attempt to reconcile her child who has had a falling out of grace with their father. It is the natural order, that, it is done on earth as it is in heaven.

Now it is not for my boast that I repeat these things over and over, yet for your benefit. It is done that you may better know your Mother in heaven. In this I pray, that you offer Her a just due. For a just due applies on earth as it is in heaven. Now as Mary is indeed our Mother we owe Her much, for without Reconciliation we are dust!

I have a friend who is of Jewish descent. Now the Jewish nation lives according to the Old Testament and not according to the New Testament. The Jewish people do not believe that Jesus was the son of God. This friend of mine has come to believe in Jesus Christ. Mary however, is a stumbling block. She has often said to me, "Hail Mary full of grapes." For my friend and others like her I would write these Scriptures.

Luke 1-26-28 "The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town in Galilee, called Nazareth, to a virgin... and the virgins name was Mary. And the angel came and said to Her, Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed art Thou among woman..." Luke 10-39-42 tells us that Mary had gone to visit her cousin Elizabeth, when the two woman met the baby inside of Elizabeth leapt and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out in a loud voice, "Blessed art Thou among woman, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb." In verse 48 Mary says, "Hence forth all nations shall call Me blessed..."

So here is the prayer that so many refuse to pray. Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art Thou among woman, Luke 1-28, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, (Jesus), Luke 1-42. Holy Mary, Luke 1-43 pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

Mary being blessed, is therefore holy. There is no wrong in asking Her to intercede for us sinners, or are you still blind towards your Mother of Reconciliation? Why shouldn't we honor Mary with this prayer, or other prayers which have been written as one was moved by the Holy Spirit, even as Elizabeth was moved by the Holy Spirit and proclaimed that she recognized Mary's holiness.

To further my case as I feel that I must defend my adopted Mother, Mary, let us take this following Scripture in the literal sense, Mat, 23-9, "And call no man on earth your father, for one is you Father, who is in heaven." What then is meant by God's fifth Commandment, Exodus 20-12, "Honor thy Father and Mother?"

So then if we are not to call anyone on earth father and God's Commandment says, "Honor thy father and mother," we are being told to honor thy Father and thy Mother in heaven. Maybe we should not take Mat. 23-9 in the literal sense, "Call no man of earth your father", after all people call the priest father?

The word father is written hundreds of times throughout Scripture. In the Scriptures father does not always refer to, "Our Father who art in heaven." Earthly men are often called father in Scripture. So maybe Mat. 23-9 is not in the literal sense. So does this mean that I have disproved my theory, "Honor thy father and mother, Exodus, 20-12? No, by no means. For, either way that you look at it, it is the same. The Lord prayer states clearly (as I have often said) thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So that not only do you honor your father and mother on earth, but you honor your Father and Mother in heaven as well.

So regardless of the way you interrupt, the results are quite the same. As Jesus said, "Render to Caesar, the things that are Caesar, and to God, the things that are God's." Mat. 22-21. Render to Mary, the things that are Mary's. Scripture is clear, She is blessed among all nations, Luke 1-48.

So if we render to Mary, the things that are Mary's what of Mary in the latter days? Rev. 12-17, "And the dragon was angered at the Woman, and went away to wage war with the rest of Her offspring, who keep the Commandments of God, and hold fast to the testimony of Jesus." The key word here is, "HER"! For it is "HER" offspring, who keep the Commandments of God, including the Commandment, "Honor thy father and mother," Exodus, 20-12.

So what of those who are not Her offspring, did they keep the Commandments, "Honor thy father and mother," Exodus, 20-12 as well? No! by no means, Mat. 7-22, "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and work many miracles in thy name? And I (Jesus) will declare to them, I never knew you, depart from me you worker of iniquity," (a wicked act).

In Mat. chapter 7 Jesus says, "A good tree beard good fruit, and a bad tree beard bad fruit." Yet in both cases, it is the same. The tree starts with a seed, this is the natural order. If a seed has not been planted, then nothing can grow. So that if you do not have a mother, how can a son be born? Where is the womb? Who can claim a son without the Womb? Now even if a son could be claimed without the womb it would not be natural. So if we have a Father in heaven, as Jesus told us we do and Jesus is the only begotten Son of the Father, then Jesus is our Brother, but I ask again, where is the Womb?

If there is no Womb, there is no Son. If you do not have a Mother in heaven, nor do you have a Brother nor do you have a Father. So that during the time of judgment many shall proclaim, "Lord, Lord, didn't we do good works in your name? And Jesus will say, "Leave me you worker of iniquity, I do not know you."

Who does satan wage war with in the latter days? Revelation 12-17 "the woman’s offspring , who keep the Commandments of God, and hold fast to the testimony of Jesus." All others who do not claim to be this Woman’s offspring, satan will not pursue, because satan has lead astray the whole world, Revelation 12-9.

As I have said I tend to reiterate things often, yet not so that I am forgetful, yet I do so for the reader, that you may hold the truth of these writings. Even so, many will say that I write according to my own interpretation and that my words are meaningless. These things may be said so as to lead astray even the elect. Mat. 24-24, "For false Christ's, and false prophets will arise and will show great signs, and wonders, so as to lead astray if possible even the elect." Yet, Jesus tells us, "The Son of man will come... and His angels will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to another," Mat. 24-30-31.

What do you think of this Scripture? Luke 18-1-5 "There was a judge in a certain town who did not fear God, and did not respect man, now there was a certain widow in that town and she kept coming to him saying, do me justice against my adversary, and he would not for a long time. But afterwards he said to himself, although I do not fear God, nor even respect men, yet because this widow bothers me I will do her justice, less by her continual coming she finally wears me out."

I tell you my brothers and sisters the unjust judge are they who turn their hearts against Mary, She who asks for justice from Her adversary, who is satan. With what wrath of God shall the hardened hearts of these judges suffer, until they give Mary a just due, even as the widow cried out for justice? Should judgment come with such wrath as when God changed the hardened heart of Pharaoh in Egypt, in which Moses lead the Hebrews out of bitter bondage? (see the book of Exodus).

So then, will God judge the judges who push the Woman Mary aside, and refuse to give Her comfort from Her adversary? So then as Luke 18-7-8 tells us, "And will God not avenge his elect who cry out to him day, and night...? I tell you he will avenge them quickly."

Again I ask that you the reader may hold the truth (not my interruption), who then are the elect, who God shall avenge? Revelation 12-17, They are the offspring of the Woman who keeps (all) the Commandments of God, (including honor thy Father and Mother) and hold fast to the testimony of Jesus. These are the elect.

Now God said that he would gather his elect from the four winds, Mat, 24-31. So Mat. 24-40-41, tells us, "Two men will be in the field, one will be taken, and one will be left. Two women will be at the millstone, one will be taken, and one will be left." "So take care that no one leads you astray," Mat. 24-4.

By witness of their testimony they seek to lead you astray, for they have made themselves oblivious to the woman who cries for justice from Her adversary. Her adversary is the ancient serpent of old, who leads astray the whole world, Revelation. 12-9.

So they who come in the name of Christ, who judge the Woman, (Mary), not worthy of a just due, these judges are blind and lead others astray. Jesus says in Mat. 15-3-8 "... Why do you transgress the Commandments of God... Honor thy Father and Mother, (for these blind teachers teach) whoever shall say to his father, and mother any support you may of had from me is dedicated to God... So you have made void the Commandments of God..." So Jesus continues to say, "Hypocrites what did Isaias prophesy of you saying, 'This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me, and in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrine the precepts (general rule of action or conduct) of men.' "

Mat. 15-10-14 Jesus continues , "Here and understand, what goes into the belly does not defile a man, but it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man. Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. Let them alone, (they who teach unsound doctrine) they are blind guides, leading blind men. But as a blind man guides a blind man both fall into the pit."

So that every plants not planted by our heavenly Father is as a blind man leading a blind man. How then is a plant, planted? With a seed is a plant, planted. So that if our Father in heaven has planted a seed in Mary Full Of Grace, then comes the fruit. Yet, if you do not have a Mother in heaven who carried the Seed of Salvation, how then do you have a Brother who saved you? Can you stand with the Father and the Son alone? There must be Earth in which to plant a Seed. Mary is the Ground in which the Seed of God, (Jesus) was planted. So then if you do not have a Mother in heaven, then you have no fruit, (Brother Jesus).

So as Jesus tells us about Isaiah's prophecy, we learn, "Hypocrites they honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me, and in vain do they worship me, teaching the actions and conduct of men, Mat. 15-7-9." You make void the Commandments of God," Mat. 15-6. For God said, "Honor thy Father and Mother. Mat. 15-4.

Mat. 15-4 tells us that God said, "Let him who curses father or mother be put to death." Exodus 21-17 "And he that curses his father or mother shall surely be put to death." Leviticus 20-9 and Proverbs 20-20 says the same. Yet Proverbs 30-17 says, "The eye that mocks at his father, and despises to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, (the eye) and the young eagle shall eat it."

As always these writing apply to the Lord's prayer, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is the natural order of things. If God were to have a different set of rules in heaven then on earth, he would be a hypocrite, which means he was two-faced.

So then I ask again, who are the offspring of the Woman crowned with 12 stars? Her offspring are they who keep the Commandments of God, Revelation 12-17. Again I say it is the offspring (the adopted children) who have a Father and a Mother and a Brother (who is most worthy) in heaven.

Now it is through Mary, God our Father conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit, overshadowed by the power of the Most High, Luke 1-35. God entrusted Mary Full Of Grace with the nurturing of his son, so that Jesus should grow in the care of Mary, who was most worthy.

Out of all the possibilities in which God could come to man (which are beyond my wisdom) God chose to come as a baby. He came helpless, depending, trusting, in the arms of Mary. He found no other perfect way then to present himself in total submission to all things, in the loving care of Mary’s arms.

Yet in Mat. 3-9 we learn that, "...God is able out of these stones to raise up children to Abraham." Now if God can make living creatures from stone, why did he choose to be born by the means of a mortal woman? One might think that God would want to be born in some sort of dramatic once in a lifetime sort of way. Yet God who is perfection choose to be born in the same way as birth is given between mortal men and women.

Again it is done according to the law of God, that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. If God were to break His own rules, He would not be perfection. If God was not perfection, He could not be God. So then if God who is perfection saw no greater way then to be born through the womb and nurtured by Mary who is Full Of Grace, then there is no greater way to present ourselves to Jesus, then through the loving arms of Mary.

The Scripture tells us, if we do not become as children, we will not enter the kingdom of heaven, Mat. 18-3-4. So then if according to the natural order, "Thy will be done on earth as it in heaven," we see, God found no other perfect way then to present himself in total humility into the devoted love of Mary. I ask you my brothers and sisters should we do less? Do we claim to be greater then God. Haven't you learned, Mary is the Mother of Reconciliation? Should we not present ourselves to God through the loving arms of Mary even as God presented Jesus into the loving arms of Mary?

We live in a world of agnostic's. Mat. 11-16 "But to what shall I liken this generation." Jesus said this because He knew that His generation was a generation of disbelief. In this I say that not only was there disbelief during the generation of Jesus, but from then to now are the many generations of disbelief.

"It is like children sitting in the market place, who called to their companions and say, 'We have piped for you and you have not danced; we have sung dirges, and you have not mourned," Mat. 11-16-17.

This was said to the generation of Jesus time, because they were not joyful that the Son of God was among them. This was because of their disbelief. In our generation we have visits from the Virgin Mary, and Her children have piped, but you have not danced. Her children have sung dirges, (a song of sorrow) and you have not mourned," Mat. 11-17, (because of your disbelief).

Now John came neither eating or drinking, and they did not believe him, Mat. 11-18. Jesus came eating and drinking, and they did not believe him either, Mat. 11-19.

Now John was justified, Mat. 11-10 "Behold I send my messenger before thy face, who shall make ready the way before thee." So John came, and completed God's will, and we who are Christians believe this to be true. So if wisdom is justified by her children, and we believe that John has done these things, then John has been justified.

Now Jesus came eating and drinking, nor did they believe him, Mat. 11-19. "And wisdom is justified by her children,: for Jesus came, and completed the will of God, and we who are Christians believe this also is true. So if wisdom is justified by her children, and we believe that Jesus has done these things, then Jesus has been justified.

Now if Mary is Full Of Grace, Luke 1-28 (grace which means a gift from God) then Mary was filled up with the gifts from God. If Mary has then received such enlightenment from God, so She is filled up with wisdom, how then is wisdom justified by her children? "We have piped for you, but you have not danced, we have sung dirges, yet you have not mourned." Mat. 11-17. Because much of this world refuses Mary, She is then justified by Her children, who have piped and sung dirges.

Much of this world has decided that Mary is not justified. They who have decided that Mary is not justified have made themselves Her judges. So then they are likened to the judge who would not give rest to the widow from her adversary, Luke 18-1-8.

Those who have become Mary's judges then say to others, "Mary is not worthy of honor, She was only a vessel." Now the others who hear these judges believe them, because they do not know their Scriptures. So then we have a blind guide leading a blind man. Now if a blind man leads a blind man, both fall into the pit. Mat. 15-14.

Judges, you give no justice to the Woman, who is being pursued by Her adversary, Luke 18-3. So that She who was in heaven, Revelation 12-1 is now upon the earth and is pursued by Her adversary, (satan).

So as satan has lead astray the whole world, so then does this world judge the Woman, (Mary). They judge Her unworthy, keeping Her from a just due and giving Her no rest from Her adversary, (Satan).

So if wisdom is justified by her children Mat. 11-19 who then are her children? They are those who keep (true) the Commandments of God, and hold fast to the testimony of Jesus, Revelation 12-17.

Those who do not hold fast to the testimony of Jesus, do not obey the Commandments, "Honor thy Father and Mother," for this they will suffer much. "For if the miracles that had been worked in Sodom that had been worked in you, it would have remained till this day, but I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom on that day of judgment then it shall be for you,:" Mat. 11-21-24. And as Jesus continues in Mat. 11 he says that , the Father knows the Son and the Son knows the Father. Again I ask, how can the Son know the Father, or the Father the Son, if not for the Womb? How can it be done on earth as it is in heaven, without the Womb? Where is the natural order? Where is justice? So then shall the wrath come because of your disbelief, Revelation 12-12.

Because satan has lead astray the whole world in disbelief, we are the many generations of disbelief. Disbelief not only for those who do not believe in the Son of God, but for those who do not believe in Mary as well. Why do you still not believe? We have piped for you, but you have not danced, we have sung dirges to you, but you have not morn. So then by this is wisdom justified by her children, (Mary's adopted children).

Those who believe in Mary, keeping the Commandments of God, (honor thy father and mother, for one) and hold fast to the testimony of Jesus, who is the begotten Son of God, they are the ones who are justified by wisdom.

Mat. 11-25 says, "I praise thee father, Lord of heaven and earth, (as the Lord's prayer says, it shall be done on earth as it is in heaven) that you did hide these things from the wise and prudent, and did reveal them to babes."

What for one has been hidden from the wise and prudent? Mat. 15-4-9 "For God said, honor the father and mother, and let them who curse father and mother be put to death. But you say whoever shall say to his father and mother, any support you may of had from me is dedicated to God, does not have to honor thy father and mother, you make void the Commandments of God by your tradition. Hypocrites...you honor me with your lips, but your heart is far from me, and in vain do you worship me, teaching the doctrine of men," (those who teach, thinking they are wise and prudent.)

Yet Jesus tells us that what in hidden from the wise and prudent, is revealed to babes. So what are we to think? Babes are subject to their mothers good care, in all submission. Even as Jesus was subject to Mary for His support of well being, in all submission.

"For all things have been delivered by my Father," Mat. 11-27. Yes, delivered as a babe in the womb, in total submission and complete surrender to Her care, perfected into the Son Of Man, all in the loving arms of Mary. " And it is written, "no one knows the Son except the Father, and to Him the Son chooses to reveal Him."

Not so though for the wise and prudent, but unto babes. For how can the Father know the Son without the Womb, (Mary)? Or how can the Son know the Father if not for the Womb? Behold, the Handmaiden of the Lord, Luke 1-38. For God the Father knows his Son only through Mary, the intercessor. It can not be so without the Womb. It can not be so without the Immaculate Conception.

Mary is the Immaculate Conception. For as Luke tells us in chapter one, She was a virgin, yet She was with Child. If a woman has been intimate with a man she in no longer a virgin, she is no longer pure. Something that is pure has not been contaminated, which means that it is clean. A clean thing is immaculate. Mary although with Child was Immaculate, (still a virgin). This is a great mystery in the coming together of the spirit and the flesh.

Through the promise of God as told to satan in Genesis chapter 3, we learn through the seed, and much pain in childbearing, would come hatred between satan and the Woman. For Eve became unclean having eaten the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. Mary was and is the Seed of the Fruit that was not unclean, but Immaculate.

So in this I say, those who look upon Mary as their Immaculate Mother in heaven, are her adopted children. Now these children obtain reconciliation from Mary Immaculate, the Mother of Reconciliation. Jesus, Her true Son and our Brother, is Reconciliation. In this we are made clean, immaculate in the blood of the Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world, John 1-29.

So as Jesus says in Mat. 11-28-30 "Come to me all you who labor, (searching for truth) and I will give you rest, (for Jesus is truth) take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, (let Jesus be the toil of your labor) for I am meek, (characterized by patience and long suffering) and humble of heart, (not proud as the wise and the prudent) and you will find rest for your soul, (in the kingdom of heaven which is within you) for my yoke is easy, (if you embrace Jesus he will share your labor) and my burden is light, (light is wisdom).

So as we know that Mary was Immaculate, clean from original sin, (Eve’s disobedience) Mary was also entrusted with the Son of God, (who was a helpless baby). So that Mary is the Intercessor, that is to say She is the connection by which the Father know the Son, and the Son the Father. Mary is indeed the go-between (intercessor) by which we Her trustful adopted children are reconciled through Jesus the Lamb, who was sacrificed for our sins. "That through the blood of the Lamb we are washed clean, (immaculate) John 1-29 & Revelation 7-14. "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that those who believe in Him may not perish, but have everlasting life," John 3-16.

Now the Father knew Mary who conceived a Son. So the Son knew his Mother, and Father. If God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, He did so because He knew Mary who did conceive. How can we say, our Father who is in heaven if we do not know our Mother? How can we have life everlasting if we do not know our Mother. So as Mary is the connection (Intercessor) by which the Son (Jesus) knows the Father, and the Father knows the Son, we then are the adopted children, because God so loved the world.

We must turn to our Mother who is the connection, or intercessor. Through Mary our Mother of Reconciliation, we know Her Son, (Jesus) who is Reconciliation. If we know the Mother and know the Son we will know the Father. This is Mary's calling to Her adopted children, because God so loved the world, and Mary so loved God and the children by which God so loved the world.

I ask you my brother's and sister's, pray with the depths of your heart to our greatest intercessor. She is your Mother, and so longs to reconcile you with your Father, through Jesus your Brother, the Lamb of Sacrifice, the only begotten Son of God, who shed His Blood as a ransom for many that we may be reconciled and come home to the living arms of our Father in heaven.

Pray to Mary, for Her cries are for the love of our Father's adopted children. Great is Her suffering because of your disbelief. You ignore Her and you do not give Her a just due, as Immaculate, and Intercessor, so that She cries for justice from Her adversary, Luke 18-3 who is satan, he that deceives the whole world, Revelation 12-9.

Mark 10-15 "Truly I say to you whoever does not accept the kingdom of God as a little child will not enter it."

John 3-3-8 "Amen, Amen, I say to thee unless a man be born again he can not see the kingdom of heaven... Amen, Amen, I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water, and spirit he can not enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh, is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit, is spirit. Do not wonder that I have said to thee, you must be born again, the wind blows where it will, and you hear its sound, but do not know where it comes from, or where it goes. So is everyone who is born in the spirit."

Mat. 11-25-27 "I praise thee Father, Lord of heaven, and earth, that You did hide these things from the wise and prudent, and did reveal them to little ones. Yes, Father, for such was Thy good pleasure. All things having been delivered to Me by my Father and no one knows the Son except the Father, nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and him to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him." So in Mark 10-15 we hear that we must become as a child to enter into the kingdom of God. In John 3-5 we hear..."unless a man is born again of water, and the spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom of God. The key words in both passages are, ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD."

In John 3-3 Jesus says, "Unless a man be born again he can not see the kingdom of God." John 3-7-8 Jesus says, "Do not wonder that I said to you that you must be born again. The wind blows where it will, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from. So is everyone who is born of the spirit. The key words in these two passages are, CAN NOT SEE THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, and, YOU HEAR THE WIND, BUT YOU DO NOT SEE IT.

So in these passages we learn, we can not see the kingdom unless we are born again. In the first two passages we learn, we can not enter the kingdom unless we are born again of the spirit. So we can not see, or enter into the kingdom of God, unless we are born again and become as a little child.

To this we apply the natural order, (on earth as it is in heaven) . To be born according to the flesh is through the womb, that it may be done on earth as it is in heaven, you must then be born in the same manner in the spirit. For a child having just been born has need of nurturing, which is the care of the mother. So it is also the same to those born of the spirit. So as John tells us in 3-3 "If we are not born again we will not see the kingdom of God." And John 3-7-8 tells us, "Everyone born of the spirit is like the wind," which you can not see. You can hear them born of the spirit, but you cannot see. You hear their words, but of what they speak is like the wind, you do not know where it comes from, or where it goes, because you are blind, and you can not see, because you have not been born of the spirit. So then if you can not see the kingdom of God, how can you enter the kingdom of God?

So that Jesus said to Nicodemus, "...Amen, amen I say to you, we speak of what we know, (those born again in the spirit) and bear witness to what we have seen, (having been moved by the spirit of truth) but you have not received our testimony, (those who are blind because they hear and do not see) Jesus continues, If I have told you of earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe, if I tell you of heavenly things." John 3-11-12.

How then do you understand that to be born of the flesh, is through the womb, yet to be born of the spirit you do not see, so you do not enter? This is the natural order, that Gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

"I praise thee Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You did hide these things from the wise and prudent, (those who can not see) and did reveal them to little ones, (children born again of the spirit) Yes, Father for such was thy good pleasure. All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and him to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him, Mat. 11-25-27, (the little children born of the spirit having been instructed).

So then if we are told here that the Father knows the Son and the Son knows the Father because all things have been DELIVERED... So then stands the Womb, by which the Father can know the Son and the Son can know the Father, Mary Full Of Grace! In the spirit I speak these things, and as the wind blows, you may hear me, but do you see? or is it you are still blind?

If you still do not understand these things I pray and let the matter rest. Mat. 15-14 "Let them alone they are blind guides. And if a blind guide leads a blind man both fall into the pit."

It is written in the Scripture, "Why do you transgress the Commandments of God." For God said "honor thy Father and Mother". Mat. 15-3-4. All things are done according to the natural order, that it is done on earth as it is in heaven.

I pray that in these words, those who read them will come to understand the true meaning of "Honor Thy Father And Mother," as is the Commandment of God who is our Father in Heaven.

God Bless You All


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