Father Mellace's Message Archives


The Only Destruction Allowed By God


In one of her messages, Our Lady at Medjugorje asked us to destroy the evil that could be present in the heart of souls. Some people, however, through a perverted sense of justice, end up destroying the good in others instead of the evil. Doctors, because of an obsessive addiction to money, murder unborn babies through abortion and puff out their lives. Pedophilics, strangely addicted to sex, destroy the emotions of young children. Gangsters, mobsters and mafias of ambitious persons dominated by a love of money and power, cruelly end the lives of young men and women through drugs and prostitution. Photographers, through the perverted manipulation of their cameras, destroy the dignity and moral values of millions of young females. Through a deep hatred that takes control of their minds and hearts, psychopathic personalities take their own lives and that of others in outrageous shootings and murders. Adolescents, through the repressed hate and anger they hold towards their parents, manifest and project these feelings in virtual murderous video games where human figures are shot and killed with a sort of cynical joy and satisfaction. Resentments, jealousy, pride and anger motivate infantile and childish minded people to persecute and oppress vulnerable immigrants and isolate them from society. Greed, hoard and envy motivate men and women in high government positions to attack and destroy other nations and innocent civilians in order to take possession of their natural resources. This is the reign of Satan that Mary wishes to destroy.


We are to destroy the evil in men’s hearts and not the good that they are or do. This is the only destruction that God allows on our planet. Many Christians do not want to get themselves involved in the fight and struggle against evil because they fear the reaction it might cause. This, however, only shows that we are weaklings and made of vanilla cream pudding. Those who do not engage themselves against evil have no backbone and end up swallowed by the evil itself (as happened in Nazi Germany). To destroy evil in others does not mean that we need to force them to give it up (like the methods that the Spanish Inquisitors employed). We, as Christians are to appeal to the consciences of men and women (like Jesus did in His time). The one thing that society never wants is to be reminded of the evil that it practices. That is why it is always involved in a conspiracy of diabolical silence. We need to be firm and must manifest the truth from the housetops. If we are persecuted or killed for proclaiming the truths, then we have much reason for rejoicing, since, as Jesus told us, such suffering is a direct entrance into heaven. The truth irritates society and it will use all its power to blow it out. We Christians, however, are to persevere in our denunciation of evil and the destruction of the culture of death that Satan wishes to maintain in our world. We must fight constantly against abortion, pornography, child abuse, drugs, alcohol, smoking, unjust wars, discrimination and racism, homoeroticism, contraception, divorce, greed, inordinate love of material things and all other idolatries  that God does not approve of. Only in this way will we better our world and save it. We must recognize evil for what it is and destroy it and it alone (not the human person or the good he is).


A very good way to effectively do this is through a spiritual practice taught by St. Ignatius of Loyola and the founder of my Congregation, Father Pio Bruno Lanteri. It consists in a brief meditation in the morning and an examination of conscience at noon and night time. In the morning, before beginning one’s day, it is good to take a few minutes and meditate on how we are going to spend this day. Will my day be one of making the lives of a few more people miserable and negative or will I actually attempt to destroy the evil they might be suffering from and save them for eternity? With these thoughts in mind, I will make a firm decision and willingly execute what I truly proposed during my meditation. At noon and at night, I will reflect momentarily on what I meditated in the morning and contemplate what I actually did in the hours that went by. If things turned out well and I really did do some good for others, I will praise and thank God for the grace. If I ended up failing and had hurt others again, I will ask pardon and start with new proposals for the next day.


Father Anthony Mellace