Father Mellace's Message Archives



Mary and TV Networks
Part I


In one of her visits to Medjugorje, Our Lady said that we should “turn off the TV and other things of no value.” I would like, in this article, to analyze the programs of modern TV and see if any have any value in relation to our eternal salvation and the good of souls. Many people have what is known as cable or satellite TV, making it possible for them to receive hundreds of channels. The TV programs that appear can be classified according to fifteen basic categories:


a) Late night shows:

I can’t see how these programs help anyone towards salvation. They appear to be cheap and wasteful conversations on a number of useless issues. The humor borders on the ridiculous and is typical of a hyena. It is better to spend our late night hours before the Eucharist praying for sanctity and the safety of the world and souls.


b) Daytime talk shows:

Tons of words and hours are wasted on bizarre and boring themes, simply to entertain millions of meaningless and lost lives. Could we not use these moments to catechize so many people who desperately need to know the important truths of the Faith?


c) Serials:

They are simply daily superficial and cheap plots that have nothing creative or redemptive to them. Anybody with a low IQ can guess what will happen in these stories. Isn’t it better to read the signs of the times and prepare for these realities?


d) News Reports:

Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun. Who wants to waste their time listening to stories of murders, rapes and constant violence? Isn’t it better to get our rosaries out and pray for the salvation of these poor victims that society glares at with hard judgment?


e) Advertisements:

A great number of channels present an infinite quantity of things to buy. Yet not one sells or proposes the things of real and lasting value. Leave these neurotic channels and seek to obtain the riches that don’t rust nor thieves steal.


f) Comedies:

He who laughs now, will cry later, and he who cries now, will laugh later. These are Jesus’ own words. Let us worry about doing penance to save souls and we will rejoice greatly in the end.


g) Sports:

Who cares who wins or loses? One day it is one team and the next it is another. The spinning wheel goes round and round and comes to the same place. The true victory or loss, as St. Paul tells us, is the one that will determine our eternity, whether in heaven or hell.


h) Weather:

Have our brains become so empty that we have nothing better to do than talk about the weather? Do we need to listen to it 24 hours a day? Everyday it will either rain, snow or have sunshine! So what is the big deal (the weathermen are wrong half the time anyway despite all the technology they invest in this boring news item). Is that supposed to drastically affect someone’s life? Is this of greater importance than the fact of millions of babies unable to see the light of day and feel the heat or cold because of abortion? We have made ourselves blind to the real issues of life and exalted the meaningless.


i) Cartoons and animal shows:

St. Paul said that when he was child, he did the things of a child, but now that he is an adult, he must do the things of an adult. With the world as it is, we cannot afford to be children anymore.


j) Erotically oriented movies:

Not only will they not help us to be saved, but will actually harm and send us to hell.


k) Educational programs:

Discovery, National Geographic, Military, Health, Culinary, etc. channels are useful for us to learn many things, but as the author of the “Imitation of Christ” said, we need to acquire the knowledge of those things that will profit the health of our souls and which will follow us to eternity. Much of the earthly things we learn will simply be left behind and are useless to make us grow in God’s grace.


l) Music:

Many of these channels are simple rehearsals for the eternal dance and music that will be performed forever in hell with the devils, especially MTV.


m) Money shows and games:

St. Paul warned us not to conform ourselves to the mentality of this life. If we showed as much enthusiasm for every degree of grace we acquired, as people do when they win a few thousand dollars or a showcase, we would quickly become saints and spiritual millionaires. In the next life, many will weep and gnash their teeth to see how much they really lost and the chance they had to become rich in God’s sight.  


n) Court and Law shows:

We are curious to see the outcome of the sentencing of people on TV, but do not worry what will be the judgment cast on us by God Himself. Let us work to satisfy Divine Justice and be worthy of eternal life.


o) Soap Operas:

Did you ever see anybody that was religious or that prayed in these stupid and redundant cheap dramas? Did you ever see anybody at peace in these plebian theatre acts or who spoke a positive and charitable word? They are all bickering, shouting, deprecating, yelling, screaming, arguing, cheating, killing, etc.  This old, boring, neurotic record has been playing the same tune now for over fifty years! Really, now, many of the scripts are written by homoerotics who simply project their rebellious, perturbed and thwarted minds  on their actors and actresses. Since they are financed by pharmaceutical companies, every commercial break is a fine advertisement of the latest birth control pills for the female livestock. Here is a crafty way to get one into hell.


In part II, I will speak about the good movies on TV and present my evaluation of the religious networks.


Father Anthony Mellace