Saint Theresa of Lisieux
Written by Michael K. Jones

Saint Theresa was born in Alenocon, France, in 1873. One of 5 living children, (4 died) Theresa was a pampered daughter of a mother who had wanted to be a saint, and a father who had had aspirations of becoming a monk. At the tender age of 4, Theresa lost her mother to breast cancer. Pauline here 16-year-old sister took on the role of mother till Pauline entered the Carmelite Convent 5 years later. The remaining children (all girls) were to follow suit by entering religious life as well.

Shortly after Pauline entered the convent, Theresa became quite ill with fever causing people to think she would die. While seeing her sister pray to a statue of Mary in Theresa's bedroom, Theresa also prayed. At this time Theresa saw Mary smile at her and she was cured.

Theresa was a sensitive child who easy could burst out into tears. Thinking of entering the Carmelite Order, she wondered how could she handle the strict lifestyle of the Carmelites when she herself was so easily prone to emotional outbursts. Though she prayed over this it seemed there was no answer. Later it happened during Christmas that Theresa's father shouted about some small baby shoes, yet for Theresa this time she found the tears not coming forth.

The Road of entering the convent was not an easy one. Mother Superior seeing that she was too young refused Theresa. The bishop who she went to see also agreed that Theresa was too young to enter the convent. The sensitive child of old had become the young girl of steel as during an audience with the Pope she got close to him and begged he let her enter the convent. Two guards had to carry her away.The Vicar General, impressed with her courage interceded on her behalf after this incident. She entered the Carmels of Lisieux in 1889, at age 15.

Theresa became grief stricken when her father had a series of strokes which left him physically and mentally handicapped to the point of insanity. He was placed in an asylum causing Sister Therese great pain as being a cloistered nun, she could not visit him. During this time she had difficulty in prayer saying, "Jesus isn't doing much to keep the conversation going."

Living her life in what she called, "the little way," Sister lived a life of simplicity. She remained a novice at here sisters Pauline's (having been elected Prioress) request. Pauline thought the other sisters would be concerned that she and her (real) sisters would have too much control over the convent.

Having coughed blood in 1896, Theresa kept the incident to herself. A year later she was quite ill, saying if she did not have faith she would take her own life.

Also known as, "The little flower," because Theresa thought herself not a particularly important flower in God's Garden, Theresa was canonized in 1925.

Invocation to Saint Theresa O Little Flower of Jesus, ever consoling troubled souls with heavenly graces, in your unfailing intercession I place my trust. From the Heart of Our Blessed Savior petition these blessing of which I stand in greatest need (mention here). Shower upon me your promised roses of virtue and grace, dear Saint Therese, so that swiftly advancing in sanctity and in perfect love of neighbor, I may someday receive the crown of eternal life. Amen

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